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Change Your Brain. Change Your Life

Johnny (not real name) was a student I mentored in East Palo Alto.

When I first met him, he protested, “The task is too hard, I can’t do that!"

I said, “It won't be too hard when we work together. Want to try again?”

Johnny agreed.

I taught him some new learning strategies.

After finishing the task, I asked Johnny, “Is it still too hard?”

He said, “That’s easy!”

I was pleased to see him build confidence through mastering the task that he thought it's too hard in the first place. 

So, who told little John that he could not do that?

It reminded me of Dr. Carole Dweck’s book “Mindset – the New Psychology of Success”.

Carole has been one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of motivation and the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford. After 20 years of research, she found out that our self-evaluation profoundly affected the way we led our lives. Our self-evaluation...

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