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3 Simple Steps To Increase Your Confidence

Competence is the building block of confidence. 

Building your confidence is like building a brick house. You can’t build a brick house without putting one brick upon another. Same way you can’t build confidence without taking deliberate actions to gain new experience and achieve mastery.

When was the last time you felt inadequate? What went through your mind? 

Perhaps you think, “No matter how hard I try, I won’t succeed.” 

Perhaps you think when you have the confidence; then you’ll act?

I tell you the truth—confidence will never come when you wait!

Confidence comes from taking actions. When you step out of your comfort zone and start taking actions, you’ll gain new confidence. 

Do you know what is holding you back? It’s your own thinking!

Your self-sabotaging thoughts have stopped you from taking actions to achieve the success you want. You must stop those thoughts. 

So, what could you do to stop...

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