Corinna Kong

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Empower Yourself: Download Your FREE Self-Coaching Guide Today!

What are your challenges?

Are you feeling lost in the comparison game? Are you feeling stuck or weighed down by past mistakes? Are you feeling not good enough? You're not alone. Many achievers like you experience these challenges.

Let's shift focus to what truly matters to YOU. If you want to...

  • Increase confidence.
  • Be happier. 
  • Stress less and achieve more.

You've arrived at the right place. I'll guide you in creating a personalized roadmap to get there. 

I leverage the NeuroLeadership Results Coaching System, new psychology of success, and my experience building successful teams to reveal a happy you. Let's work together to reclaim the happy, successful you that you are. Remember, you are enough, just as you are.

Reclaim Your Passion and Thrive (Read My Blog Now)!

From Helping Others to Self-Discovery: My Journey

In my fulfilling career as a medical social worker in Hong Kong, I empowered over 2,700 individuals and families to navigate challenging health and life situations. Driven by a desire to make a positive impact, I poured my heart into my work. However, as a perfectionistic achiever, I eventually faced burnout. This experience became a turning point, prompting me to seek a new career path. I knew I needed a change. 

Taking a leap of faith, I moved to Silicon Valley and embarked on a new chapter. I built successful teams in leading tech companies and empowered over 7,000 professionals and impact-driven leaders to achieve goals.

From time to time I was held back by self-doubt. Wrong beliefs had a powerful grip on me. But I broke free! In my book, Train For Joy: Break the Five Toxic Beliefs That Hold You Back From Success, I shared my personal story of wrestling with self-doubt and achieving success on my own terms. Want to redefine success? Let's GO!


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