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How To Set Goals You'll Actually Achieve

Did you have a habit of setting New Year's resolutions/goals? 

Did you know?

40% of people who resolve to change their ways at the beginning of each new year, only 9% report succeeding, according to the Research Group Statistic Brain Research Institute

Are you one of them?

Why did 91% of people abandon the goals?

The #1 reason people abandoned the goals—

Because the goals were WRONG. 

Many experts suggested setting HARD and BIG goals.




Because your goals are not supposed to be HARD or BIG. Your goals are supposed to be small, and the changes need to be gradual; that way you can maintain your progress in achieving your goals over time. 

Dr. Michael Steinberg, an associate professor at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, said, “The trick for most people to achieve success is to moderate behavior, not radically change it”.  

The implication is—

You need to set smaller goals and celebrate success along the way. Reward yourself for accomplishing mini goals daily. By doing so deliberately and consistently, you will eventually achieve big goals. 

Another reason that people abandoned their goals— 

Because the goals weren’t inspiring to YOU. 

If YOUR goals are not inspiring to YOU, you would not be motivated to achieve them. Your subconscious mind will stop you from making the progress necessary to achieve your goals. Even if you DO achieve the goals, you won’t be happier, more inspired, or fulfilled. Because you achieve them under external pressure, not internal drives.

To set the right goals you'll actually achieve, you need to ask yourself— 

1. First, what does success look like to YOU, not to someone else?

  • How would it make you feel when you accomplish your goals?
  • Would it make you feel happier, more satisfied and fulfilled? 

2. Next, you need to eliminate the goals that you think you “should” achieve. WHY? Inspiring goals are the goals that fulfill you, not the goals that you think you SHOULD achieve. Inspiring goals aren’t the goals imposed by external influences or pressures. 

I know that's hard!

Because “often, our unwillingness to bear ourselves fully is because our worth and value are tied to our good performance as a spouse or significant other, son or daughter, employee, parent, coach, or corporate executive. In other words, if we perform well, we are accepted. But if we perform poorly, we are unworthy of acceptance and connection.” ~Success Magazine

We all want to be accepted. However, when you spend most of your energy achieving goals that matter to someone else, your life will be out of balance, and you will be unsatisfied. Your self-worth is not tied to what you achieve but to who you have become in the process of achieving the goals.

Final words—

When you know what you REALLY want (i.e. the outcomes that'll fulfill your heart, soul, mind, and spirit), you'll set the right goals that take you to where you are to where you want to be. 

SO, what do you REALLY want?


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