corinna kong.

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21 Thinking Habits For Success.



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What are your challenges?

Are you longing for a breakthrough to more joy, fulfillment and accomplishments in your career, business or life? Do you at times feel like you are fighting the battles all alone? I know how that feels. You're not alone! I can assure you, if...

  • You feel stuck in your career or business and want to explore new options.
  • You want to have more peace and joy in your daily life.
  • You want to build new confidence and a roadmap after a setback.

Then, you've arrived at the right place.

Corinna Kong, your career and life coach

help you master your mindset and build new habits to design any success you want. I leverage the NeuroLeadership Results Coaching System, the new psychology of success, and my experience building happy teams to reveal a happy you. You deserve any success you design!

About me: my career was not a straight line. I was a medical social worker. After empowering over 2,700 families to overcome insurmountable challenges, I burned out. I wanted to explore new options. I arrived at Silicon Valley... I became a people manager at a global social media company. I also helped global technology companies, startups and social impact organizations design career development roadmaps that enabled over 7,000 professionals to achieve their career goals. However, success didn't come easy to me. Learn more about how I overcame self-doubt through my book Train For Joy, Break The Five Toxic Beliefs That Hold You Back From Success.


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